Liberal Arts College


5/15 (三) Wen-Nan Zhan

Join Dr. Wen-Nan Zhan's lecture on "The Future is Now: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges!" in Liberal Arts on May 15th. Participants who register and fill out a questionnaire will receive a coupon for a free McDonald's meal.

Dear faculty and students,

We are delighted to extend an invitation to you for a special lecture by Dr. Wen-Nan Zhan, Dean of the Digital Transformation Academy, at the Liberal Arts College on May 15th. Join us in a session titled "The Future is Now: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges!"

About Dr. Zhan: Dr. Wen-Nan Zhan is a distinguished figure in the academic and industrial sectors. He serves as an advisor to the Information Software Association of the Republic of China, co-founder and Dean of the Digital Transformation Academy, a committee member of the National Development Fund at the Executive Yuan, and an adjunct professor at the National Taiwan University's School of Business. His research primarily explores intellectual capital in high-tech industries, industrial policy, and corporate strategy. Formerly the chairman of the Asia-Pacific Industry Analyst Association (APIAA), Dr. Zhan has played pivotal roles in numerous important governmental and industrial committees, significantly impacting Taiwan's tech policies and corporate development as a major proponent of digital transformation and innovation.

Lecture Details:
# Date: May 15th
#Time: 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM
# Location: NYCU Library, B1 International Conference Hall
# Register here:
Participants who register and fully complete a questionnaire will receive a coupon for a free McDonald's meal!
More information available at:
Methods for Predicting Trends
Future - Key Global Development Trends
Promising Industries of the Future

In response to the rapidly changing global environment and emerging trends, we find ourselves in an unprecedented period of transformation. Our ability to adapt will test our acumen. The course "The Future Has Arrived - Opportunities and Challenges in Emerging Trends" will provide you with the tools to understand and navigate the future, bringing you closer to what's next.

Best regards,
Liberal Arts College
