
Liberal Arts College


Liberal Arts


  • 17Jun


    Liberal Arts

    【SPEC】Introduction to Sustainable Trends

  • 14Jun


    Liberal Arts

    SPEC-A Systems Approach to Engineering and Society

  • 13Jun


    Liberal Arts

    SPEC-Introduction to Sustainability and Practices

  • 12Jun


    Liberal Arts

    【Sustainable and Peer Education Center】Register your courses for the 113 Fall Semester!

  • 29Apr


    Liberal Arts

    5/15 (三) Wen-Nan Zhan

  • 18Mar


    Liberal Arts

    4/17 Liberal Arts Lecture Topic :The Art of Personhood, Practice, and Scholarship-How to Do Meaningful Research (Up to 200 G

  • 11Mar


    Liberal Arts

    3/27 Liberal Arts Lecture Topic: My Friends Academician Way Kuo

  • 25Jan


    Liberal Arts

    LAC of NYCU x MST - Harvard WorldMUN 2024 Taipei Recruitment

  • 15Dec


    Liberal Arts

    12/27 (Wed.) 13:20 - Yi-Yi, Lin "Super Typhoons, Oceans, and Global Warming - My Adventure"

  • 08Dec


    Liberal Arts

    12/20 (Wed.) 13:20 - Zhi-Cheng, Lin "Regional Culture and Architecture"

  • 29Nov


    Liberal Arts

    12/13(Wed.)13:20 - Shu-Kai, Xie "Where Language Meets Technology."

  • 22Nov


    Liberal Arts

    11/29(Wed.)13:20 - Ling-Li Zeng "Design Without Boundaries."

  • 15Nov


    Liberal Arts

    11/22(Wed.)13:20 - Shu-Qin, Liu "The Elegance of the People in Jian-Shi."

  • 07Nov


    Liberal Arts

    11/15 (Wed.) 13:20 - Shi-Yang, Su – Writing Songs with Life, Telling Stories with Music

  • 02Nov


    Liberal Arts

    NYCU Liberal Arts College, an Institute of Interdisciplinary Thinking and Independent Learning for Students

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    11/08 (Wed.) Liberal Arts College Lecture Test

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    11/08 (Wed.) 13:20 – You-Lian, Sun – Connecting with Society and Changes: Advocacy Action of NGOs

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    10/25 (Wed.) 13:20 – Hsing Legend Theatre | Taipei

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    Join our class, “Discovering Old Beitou Together, Creative Design of Narrative Games”, as a team and keep the beauty of Old Bei

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    Becoming a Warm Corner in NYCU – Kuu-Young, Young

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    10/18 (Wed.) 13:20 – Rong-Guang, Tsai – From Community Development to Local Revitalization: Sharing Domestic and Interna

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    [NYCU 112-1 Liberal Arts and Lecture] Emeritus Professor, Carton W. Chen – "Test Tubes, Keyboards, and Pens"

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    10/11 (Wed.) 13:20 – Yao-Chang, Chen – Taiwanese Medical Anthropology and History

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    Li-Hong, Zhang – Learning in the City – “The Course in the City” Series

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    10/04 (Wed.) 13:20 – Zheng-Zong – Future Leadership and Transformation of the World Triggered by Environmental Challeng

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    [IC Broadcasting, Hearing the Generation] Achieving Dreams and for the New Generation through Self-Directed Learning — ft the D

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    09/27 (Wed.) 13:20 – Sheng-You, Lu – Fundamentals of identifying Broussonetia papyrifera

  • 26Oct


    Liberal Arts

    2023 First Semester – Student list of enrolling “Discovering Old Beitou Together, Creative Design of Narrative Games” is coming

  • 01Sep


    Liberal Arts

    Falsifiability, One of the Core Essence of Science– Yeh Li-hua (originally published in the "Exploring Essence" col

  • 01Sep


    Liberal Arts

    09/12 (Tue.) 14:00~15:30 [Liberal Arts and Lectures of Campus History Talent Development] Nan-Ji Chang, “ 40 Years of th

  • 01Sep


    Liberal Arts

    Recruitment of Contract-Based Assistant Research fellow

  • 01Sep


    Liberal Arts

    Professor Kuu-Young Young, the dean of LAC, was invited to share the achievements of Liberal Arts and the exciting plans all ove

  • 01Sep


    Arts Center

    2023 NYCU Arts Programs: The program list for the upcoming spring and summer

  • 01Sep


    Arts Center

    03/23~04/24 – Interwoven Arts-2023 Grop Exhibition by NYCU Arts Clubs

  • 01Sep


    Arts Center

    03/29 (Wed.) 19:30 – Most Beautiful Voices | Most Beautiful Songs: Viola and Piano Folk Song Concert

  • 01Sep


    Arts Center

    03/23 (Thur.) 19:30 – The Sound of Tokyo Jazz- Oyama Hideo Quartet

  • 05Sep


    General Edu

    Associate professor Charlotte Pollet was awarded the 26th French-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation Award.

  • 05Sep


    Physical Edu

    111th Academic Year National Intercollegiate Pickleball Games


LAC Column


  • The Liberal Arts Archetype of the Past—The Story of Engineers Driving Cultural Trends in Taiwan, I-

    Before the merger, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) was renowned for its focus on science and engineering. The education of engineers emphasized pragmatism, rationality, and a grounded approach, making it difficult to associate the institution with literature, arts, and political thought. However, in Taiwan--a small island where anything can happen outside the norms--miracles were created one after another, like this story that began in 1950.

    The Liberal Arts Archetype of the Past—The Story of Engineers Driving Cultural Trends in Taiwan,  I-
  • Street Houses, North-South Goods, Herbal Scents, and Local Medical History – Li-Hung Chang

    When you think of Dadaocheng, what images come to mind? Is it the crowded streets during the New Year shopping season, the dazzling fireworks along the riverside during the Qixi Festival, the rich aroma of various traditional Chinese medicines and dried goods, the rows of long red brick street houses adorned with cement or printed decorations

    Street Houses, North-South Goods, Herbal Scents, and Local Medical History – Li-Hung Chang
  • Expolring Sustanability from the Inspiration of Soba Noddles– Young, Kuu-Young

    Taking advantage of the opportunity to attend an international conference in Kyoto, I revisited the renowned ancestral restaurant, Owariya. Established in 1465, nearly 560 years ago, this historical establishment is famous for its soba noodles. The signature dish, "Hourai Soba," is served in lacquerware and accompanied by exquisite side dishes. The blend of nostalgia and delectable

    Expolring Sustanability from the Inspiration of Soba Noddles– Young, Kuu-Young
  • A Writing-Note on The Development White Book of Liberal Arts College NYCU—Shiang-Jang Tzeng

    Paul Romer, the laureate of 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics, and Daron Acemoglu, the winner of 2005 Clark Prize (he is also the author of “ Why Nations Fail: Power, Wealth and Poverty ” and “ Power and Progress Power and Progress : Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity ”) has always

    A Writing-Note on The Development White Book of Liberal Arts College NYCU—Shiang-Jang Tzeng
  • The Infinity of 'Becoming'-based Modern Liberal Education-En-QI Li

    In the year 2024, as the tidal wave of artificial intelligence (AI) sweeps across the globe, its capabilities for autonomous learning and evolution necessitate a reevaluation of the uniqueness and irreplaceability of various domains. Consequently, this paper, drawing an analogy between the concept of AI and the human learning process and integrating the discourses of the educational philosopher John Dewey, views education not as a static, KPI-driven knowledge injection plan but as a dynamic process. It proposes a 'becoming'-based approach to liberal education as a pathway to ad

    The Infinity of 'Becoming'-based Modern Liberal Education-En-QI Li
  • Life of Medieval University Students—Cheng-Kuang, Hu

    Life of Medieval University Students—Cheng-Kuang, Hu
  • Law and Liberal Arts-Cheng, Yuan-Chung

    "It is no surprise that so much legal scholarship and judicial analysis is unoriginal, unempirical, conventional, and unworldly, overwhelmingly verbal and argumentative (indeed, verbose and polemical), narrowly focused on doctrinal questions, mesmerized by the latest Supreme Court decisions, and preoccupied with minute and ephemeral distinctions

    Law and Liberal Arts-Cheng, Yuan-Chung
  • The Body in Orienteering-Wei, Feng-Min

    The Body in Orienteering-Wei, Feng-Min